class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # How to create online books/online documentation ## YY Lab Weekly Talk ### Hongtao Hao ### 2021-01-27 --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 80% ## Why online books? - Open access - Open source - Learn at a deeper level --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 80% ## Software tools used in this tutorial - [Hugo]( - [VuePress]( - [Jupyterbook]( - [R Bookdown]( --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 50% # [Hugo]( A static site generator written in Go. Similar to Jekyll, but much faster. --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 85% ## Hugo: Install - Download binary from [Hugo releases](; or - `brew install hugo`; or - Refer to [official guide]( for more options - To check whether installation is successful: ```bash $ hugo version ``` --- ## Hugo: Quick start ### Demosite ```bash $ hugo new site demosite ``` ### Theme The gallery of all available themes can be found [here]( ```bash $ cd demosite/themes $ git submodule add ThemeRepoRUL ``` - Copy all the content within `themes/YourChosenTheme/exampleSite` and paste it to the root directory of demosite --- ## Hugo: Building and local servering Configure the `config.toml` first to make sure that in theme = "ThemeNmae", `ThemeNmae` is the same as the folder name of `themes/YourChosenTheme`. Then ```basah hugo server -D ``` Open [http://localhost:1313/](http://localhost:1313/) and you should be able to see the site. --- ## Hugo: Content structure The key to a book is the **structure** and **order** of its files. In Hugo, you can set the order via `weight = n`: ``` ├── # ---> weight: 1 ├── chapter01 │ ├── # ---> weight: 10 │ ├── # ---> weight: 11 │ └── # ---> weight: 12 ├── chapter02 │ ├── # ---> weight: 20 │ ├── # ---> weight: 21 │ ├── # ---> weight: 22 │ └── # ---> weight: 23 └── chapter03 └── # ---> weight: 30 ``` --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 90% ## Hugo: Publish Read more details in [Hugo's instructions]( or [my tutorial]( 1. Add a [`netlify.toml`]( to the root directory of demosite 2. Create a repository on GitHub or other platforms 3. [Create a Netlify account]( 4. [Create a New Site]( 5. [Build and Deploy]( --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 80% # [VuePress]( A static site generator powered by Vue.js [My example site]( | [GitHub Repo]( --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 85% ## VuePress: Install & Quick start **Prerequisite**: [Node.js]( or [Yarn classic]( Read the [official guide]( for more details. ```bash $ mkdir vuepress-starter $ cd vuepress-starter $ npm init $ npm install -D vuepress $ mkdir docs # All of the future content will be put in the folder of docs $ echo '# Hello VuePress' > docs/ $ mkdir .vuepress ``` --- ### VuePress: Quick start (continued) Add the following to `package.json`: ```js { "scripts": { "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs", "docs:build": "vuepress build docs" } } ``` --- ## VuePress: Content structure The default structure of the book is the same as what you see in your `docs` folder. Therefore, numbering your files make sure they are in the order you desired: ``` ├── 01-abstract │ └── ├── 02-motivation │ └── ├── 03-lit │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ... ``` --- ## VuePress: Navbar and Sidebar First, create a `config.js` file inside `docs/.vuepress`: ```bash $ cd .vuepress $ > config.js ``` - Look at the [config.js]( of [the example site I created]( to get a quick idea of configuration. - Consult VuePress's documentaiton for detailed configuration of [Navbar]( and [Sidebar]( - [vuepress-plugin-sidebar]( can be handy if you want to generate the sidebar automatically. --- ## VuePress: Build the site To serve the site locally, at the root directory of vuepress-starter: ```bash $ npm run docs:dev ``` --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 90% ## VuePress: Publish 1. GitHub: Create a Repo 2. Netlify: New site from Git 3. Netlify: Deploy site Consult VuePress's [official documentation]( for more options. --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 50% ## [Jupyterbook]( Good for book projects with Jupyter Notebooks [My example site]( | [GitHub Repo]( --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 85% ## Jupyterbook: Install **Prerequisite**: Python You can install Jupyterbook via pip: ```bash pip install -U jupyter-book ``` --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 85% ## Jupyterbook: Quick start Create a sample book: ```bash jupyter-book create samplebook/ ``` Or `git clone` the [demo site]( I created: ```bash git clone ``` --- ## Jupyterbook: Content Strucutre Put all of your content in the root direcory of your book project, and then configure the structure in [`_toc.yml`]( ``` - file: intro - file: abstract - file: motivation - file: 03-lit/index sections: - file: 03-lit/01-lit-female - file: 03-lit/02-lit-homefield - file: 03-lit/03-lit-efficiency - file: 03-lit/04-lit-ranking - file: 04-plans/index sections: - file: 04-plans/01-plans-female - file: 04-plans/02-plans-homefield - file: 04-plans/03-plans-efficiency - file: 04-plans/04-plans-ranking ... ... ``` --- ## Serve site locally change directory to the **directory one level higher than your book project** (e.g., `book_project`). For example, if the book project is sitting on your Desktop, then ```bash cd Desktop jupyter-book build book_project/ # Or: jb build book_project/ ``` Open [file://Users/my_path_to_book/_build/index.html](file://Users/my_path_to_book/_build/index.html) and you'll be able to see the site. See the output after you run `jupyter-book build book_project/` for the exact address of `file://...`. --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 90% ## Jupyterbook: Publish 1. GitHub: Create a Repo 2. Netlify: New site from Git 3. Netlify: Deploy site - Leave "Build command" blank - "Publish directory": `_build/html` Consult Jupyerbook's documentation of [*Publish your book online*]( for details and more options. --- class: inverse background-image: url( background-size: 200px background-position: 50% 80% ## [R Bookdown]( Beautiful books in HTML, PDF, EPUB, and Even MS Word - [My example site]( - [GitHub Repo]( - [PDF output]( - [MS Word output]( --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 85% ## Bookdown: Install **Prerequisite**: R, [Rstuido](, [TinyTex]( (if you need PDF outputs) You can install Jupyterbook via pip: ```r install.packages("bookdown") ``` --- ## Bookdown: Quick start If you want an almost empty demo project, refer to the [Get started section]( of the [Bookdown official documentation]( Or you can `git clone` the Repo of [my example site]( ```bash git clone ``` I am familiar with my example, so I'll use it for illustration. --- ## Bookdown: Content structure - Each chapter is a stand-alone `.Rmd` file. - Start the `.Rmd` file with a chapter name using `# Chapter Name`. - If you don't want a certain chapter to be numbered, use `# Chapter Name {-}`. - To make the url of each chapter look decent, you can tag it as `# Chapter Name {#WhateverTagYouLike}`. - Each chapter can have sections and subsections, which are set with second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth-level headings. Sections and Subsections can also be tagged. Read [here]( for more details. --- ## Bookdown: Serve site locally Open your `book_project.Rproj` with Rstudio, on the upper-right panel, click "Build" and then click "Build book". --- ## Bookdown: PDF, E-Books, and MS Word outputs With [fewer than 10 lines]( of LaTeX codes, I was able to generate [this not-so-bad PDF output]( The [MS Word output]( looks pretty good to me. You should configure the output formats in `index.Rmd` and `_output.yml`. See more details in [Chapter 3 Output Formats]( --- background-image: url( background-size: 300px background-position: 50% 90% ## Bookdown: Publish Publishing through Netlify is an easy method. Create a GitHub Repo and configure Netlify as in *3.6 Publish* of Jupyterbook. In the last step of Netlify configuration (i.e., before clicking "Deploy site"), leave the "Build command" blank and use `_book` as the "Publish directory". Read [*Chapter 6 Publishing*]( for more options. --- class: inverse, middle, center background-image: url( background-size: 500px background-position: 50% 50%